

  1. Name E4 (E4)
  2. Länge von Wanderweg 10,450 km, 6,493 Meilen
  3. Länge in Tagen 520 Tage
  4. Anfang von Wanderweg Ceuta(Es)
  5. Ende von Wanderweg Larnaka (Cy)
  6. Traildino Schwierigkeit MW, Mittelschwere Wanderung mit Rucksack
  7. Schwierigkeitsgrad Berg- und Alpinwanderung T1, Wandern

E4, Germany

Gibraltar – Pyrenees – Lake Constance – Balaton – Rila – Kreta - Cyprus

With 10.450 km (11.773 km including all detours and alternatives) the E4 is by far the longest European trail, although there is a substantial gap in construction in Romania/Bulgaria. The alternative through Serbia is ready waymarked. Starting off in the southern tip of Spain in Tarifa, it leads northeast, across the Pyrenees through France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Serbia (alternative Romania under construction), Bulgaria and Greece. The Peloponnes part (260 km) has been renovated in 2012 and 2013. Several ferry rides lead across to the island of Crete and finally Cyprus.

After leaving Switzerland, the route offers a choice between the alpine route, for experienced mountain hikers only, and a less demanding subalpine alternative. They converge again before leaving Austria.

Spain (2.034 km)


  • MOLINA ABRIL, Antonio: GR 7. Senda granadina. Tramo Valle de Lecrín: Nigüelas-Albuñuelas, Ed. Proyecto Sur de Ediciones, 1998. ISBN: 84-8254-059-9, 112 págs.
  • VVAA.:GR 7. Senda granadina. Tramo Almijara-Sierra Tejeda. Ed. Proyecto Sur de Ediciones SL, 1999
  • CRUZ, Mariano, et AL: GR 7. Senda granadina. Tramo alpujarreño: Laroles- Lanjarón. Ed. Proyecto Sur de ediciones S.L, 1999. ISBN: 84-8254-930-8, 204 págs
  • MOLINA SANCHEZ, David y SÁNCHEZ SÁNCHEZ, Antonio Joaquín: GR 7 ( E-4) Andalucía. Sendero Andaluz. Provincia de Cádiz. Ed. Federación Andaluza de Montañismo, Córdoba 2006
  • VVAA.: GR 7 Provincia de Córdoba: Sierras Subbética. Ed. Federación Andaluza de Montañismo y Diputación Provincial de Córdoba, 72 págs
  • VVAA: GR 7. Caminos del Campo de San Juan. Ed. Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo- Natursport, Murcia 2000
  • TARRAGA, José et AL: GR 7 Murcia. Ed. Naturesport, 2009
  • CUELLAR, E. : GR 7 (E-4). Fredes - Pinoso. Ed. Iniciativas Rurales Valenciana, Valencia 2002, 300 págs.
  • Senders de Catalunya: GR 4, GR 5, GR 176, GR 179 and GR 241. Ed. Muntanya, S.L: Barcelona 2008
  • AGUADE, Enric y EMBODAS, Jordi: GR 7, GR 171, GR 172, GR 174. Ed. FEEC, Barcelona 1998.ISBN: 84-920595-5-1

France (1.337 km)

  • First village is Bourg Madame (border with Spain)
  • GR36, Bourg Madame - Motagne Noire
  • GR7, GR71, GR72, GR68 - Tour du Mont Lozère, Montagne Noire - Villefort
  • GR44, GR4, GR42, GR429, Villefort - Vallée du Rhone
  • GR9, BL Balcon du Léman, Vallée du Rhone - Saint-Cerque
  • Last village is La Cure (border with Switzerland)


  • Topoguides from FFRP

Switzerland (425 km)

  • First village is Saint-Cerque (border with France)
  • Jura Höhenweg, Saint-Cerque - Dielsdorf, 239 km
  • Own track, Dielsdorf - Eglisau
  • Via Rhenana, Joint track with E5 on south border of Bodensee, Eglisau - Kreuzlingen, 176 km
  • Own track, Kreuzlingen - Rheineck
  • Last village is Rheineck (border with Austria)


  • Many books about Jura Höhenweg

Main Way, Northern Branch

This alternative traverses the Northern Limestone Alps in Germany and the Pre-Alpes in Austria.

Austria (35 km)

  • First village is Rheineck (border with Switzerland)
  • Bodensee Rundweg, Rheineck - Bregenz
  • Bregenz – Lingenau, bus
  • Maximiliansweg, Lingenau - Hittisau / Hölfele Alm
  • Last village is Hittisau / Hölfele Alm (border with Germany)

Germany (472 km)

  • First village is Staufner Haus am Hochgrat (border with Austria)
  • Maximiliansweg, Staufner Haus – Bad Reichenhall
  • Last village is Bad Reichenhall / Bayerisch Gmain (border with Austria)

Austria  (729 km)


  • Voralpiner Weitwanderweg 04, Wienerwald – Salzkammergut – Berchtesgaden – Bodensee. Überarbeitete Auflage 2011, 158 Seiten, Eigenverlag der OeAV-Sektion Weitwanderer. Erhältlich über die Sektionsadresse sowie bei Freytag & Berndt, www.freytagberndt.at
  • Ostösterreichischer Grenzland-weg 07, Eigenverlag der OeAV-Sektion Weitwanderer, 2011, 131 Seiten, erhältlich über die Sektionsadresse und bei Freytag & Berndt, www.freytagberndt.at.

Maps, 1:50.000, Freytag & Berndt:

  • WK 364 Bregenzerwald – Rheintal
  • WK 104 Chiemgauer Alpen – Lofer – Leogang – Steinberge
  • WK 391 Mattsee – Wallersee – Irrsee – Fuschl – Mondsee – Oberndorf
  • WK 282 Attersee – Traunsee – Höllengebirge – Mondsee – Wolfgangsee
  • WK 081 Pyhrn – Priel – Eisenwurzen – Grünau im Almtal – Steyrtal – Nationalpark Kalkalpen
  • WK 051 Eisenwurzen – Steyr – Waidhofen an der Ybbs – Hochkar
  • WK 031 Ötscherland – Mariazell – Erlauftal – Lunzer See – Scheibbs
  • WK 012 Hohe Wand – Schneebergland – Gutensteiner Alpen – Piestingtal – Lilienfeld
  • WK 013 Nationalpark Donauauen – Lobau – Hainburg – Marchegg – Gänserndorf
  • WK 271 Neusiedler See – Leithagebirge – Rust – Seewinkel Nationalpark
  • WK 023 Forchtenstein – Rosaliengebirge – Thermenregion – Bucklige Welt – Wiener Neustadt

Alpine Way, Southern Branch

This alternative traverses the entire Northern Limestone Alps in Austria and does not enter Germany.

Austria (1.030 km)

  • First village is Dornbirn / Bregenz (border with Switzerland)
  • Nordalpenweg, Weitwanderweg 01, Bregenz - Kufstein - Spital - Mattersburg (Marzerkogel), 1.030 km
  • Continue with Main Way


  • Publications for the E4 alpin: »Nordalpiner Weitwanderweg 01«, Verlag Styria, 192 Seiten, ISBN 3-222-11798-5.

Maps, 1:50.000, Freytag & Berndt:

  • WK 364 Bregenzerwald – Rheinthal
  • WK 351 Lechtaler Alpen – Allgäuer Alpen
  • 352 Ehrwald – Leermoos – Reutte – Tannheimer Tal
  • 322 Wetterstein – Karwendel – Seefeld – Leutasch – Garmisch-Partenkirchen
  • 321 Achensee – Rofan – Unterinntal
  • 301 Kufstein – Kaisergebirge – Kitzbühel
  • 104 Chiemgauer Alpen – Lofer – Leogang – Steinberge
  • 103 Pongau – Hochkönig – Saalfelden
  • 392 Tennengebirge – Lammertal – Osterhorngruppe
  • 281 Dachstein – Ausseer Land – Filzmoos – Ramsau
  • 081 Phyrn – Priel Eisenwurzen – Grünau – Steyrtal – Nationalpark Kalkalpen
  • 063 Gesäuse – Ennstaler Alpen – Schoberpass
  • 041 Hochschwab – Veitschalpe – Eisenerz – Bruck an der Mur
  • 022 Semmering – Rax – Schneeberg – Schneealpe
  • 023 Forchtenstein – Rosaliengebirge – Thermenregion – Bucklige Welt

Main Way

The Northern Branch and Southern Branch (Alpine Way) join in Mattersburg (Marzerkogel) and continue south to Rattersdorf.

Austria (60 km)

  • Start in Mattersburg (Marzerkogel)
  • Mattersburg (Marzerkogel) - Rattersdorf, 60 km
  • Last village is Rattersdorf (border with Hungary)

Hungary (1.388 km)

  • First village is Köszeg (border with Austria)
  • National Blue Trail, Irottkoe Mountain, Köszeg - Sátoraljaújhely, 1.063 km
  • Great Plain Blue Trail, Sátoraljaújhely – Nagykereki, 260 km
  • Own track, Nagykereki – Ártánd, 6 km
  • Last village in Hungary is Ártánd (border with Romania)

Eastern branch


  • There were rumours that the first 150 km had been marked. However, as of 2013, this is not correct. We will have to wait, and hope this project will get started soon.


Western branch


  • Continuing from Great Plain Blue Trail, Sátoraljaújhely – Nagykereki
  • Great Plain Blue Trail / E7, Nagykereki - Mindszent
  • E4 / E7 combined, Mindszent - Szeged
  • Last village in Hungary is Szeged / Iala (border with Serbia)

Serbia (1.240 km, 1.482 including detours)

  • First village is Krstur (border with Hungary)
  • Iala (Hungary)/Krstur (Serbia) - Kanjiža – Senta - Kikinda– Arača – Novi Bečej – Melenci – Elemir - Zrenjanin- Carska bara – Kovačica - Farkaždin – Idvor – - Uzdin - Vladimirovac – Alibunar - Deliblatska peščara(devojački bunar) – Dolovo - Pančevo – Beograd – Kumodraž – Avala – Zuce – Leštane – Vinča – Ritopek – Brestovik –Smederevo Šalinac – Lipe – Radinac – Mihajlovac – Osipaonica – Požarevac Viminacijum (Kostolac) – Drmno - Ram – Zatonje – Veliko Gradište – Vinci – Usije – Golubac fortress – Kučevo – Ravništarka Brnjica – Dobra (Koznica) – Šomrda – Lepenski vir – Boljetinska reka (deviation: Požarevac – Toponica – Veliko selo – Crljenac – Vitovnica – Melnica – Ravništarka)- Štubej – Vukan – Gornjak – Krupajsko springhead – Beljanica – Žagubica – Milatovac – Selište – Kupinova glava – Jasikovo - Debeli lug – Majdanpek – Oman (loop: Boljetinska river – Lepenski vir – Pesača – Sokolovac – Kurmatura –Boljetin) – Liškovac – Mosna – Miroč – Veliki Štrbac – Golo brdo (Tabulum Traiani) – Kladovo -Brza Palanka - Vratna – Štubik –Plavna - Šarkamen – Negotin – Rajačke pimnice – Brusnik – Salaš - Sikole – Luka – Bor – Brestovačka spa – Zlot – Malinik – Boljevac – Mali Izvor – Rtanj (settlement) (deviation: Zlot – Šarbanovac Borski – Gamzigradska spa – Gamzigrad Rtanj settlment) - Šarbanovac Sokobanjski – Sokobanja - Devica – Beli potok – Tresibaba – Mučibaba – Kalna – Balta Berilovac – Crni vrh – Babun zub - Topli Do (Mrtvački most) - Zavojsko jezero – Basarski kamen – Visočka Ržana – Slavinja – Smilovci - Bačevo – Gradina - Kalotina (Bulgaria)
  • Last village is Gradina , border with Bulgaria

The Serbian Mountain Organisation, Planinarski Savez Srbije, currently has information and maps available, but the trail is only partly finished (as of 2013). You will be one of the first.

Maps Serbia:

  • Stari Begej – Carska Bara, 1:25.000, Geokarta, Belgrade, 2005
  • Beograd, Turistička karta područja, 1:100.000, Geokarta, Belgrade, 2008.
  • Stara planina, Nature Park, Mountain Touristic Map, 1:50.000, Geokarta, 2006.
  • Djerdap National park, 1:70.000, 2 maps, Touristic Map, JP Nacionalni park Djerdap, Donji Milanovac, 2005.
  • Avala, Mountain Touristic Map, 1:10.000, PSD „Avala“, belgrade, 2007.

Bulgaria (350 km starting from Sofia)

  • First village is Kalotina (border with Serbia)
  • Kalotina - Sofia, no trail
  • Sofia (residential district “Dragalevsi”) - Vitosha mountain, Verila, Rila, Pirin, Slavyanka, Gotsev (mountain)
  • Last village is Slavyanka near the state border to Greece.

Greece (1.832 km)

  • First village is Kulata (border with Bulgaria)
  • Kulata - Promochon - Florina, 308 km
  • Florina - Litohoro - Kalambaka, 400 km
  • Kalambaka - Karpenisse - Delphi - Itea, 480 km
  • Egio - Tripoli - Sparta - Githeon, 324 km
  • Boat to Crete
  • Crete: Kastella - Zakros, 320 km
  • Boat to CypruGuidebook in German: Griechenland: Trans- Kreta E 4. Outdoorhandbuch by Dagmar Wahlen and Rainer Lencer (Conrad Stein).


  • In German: Griechenland: Trans- Kreta E 4. Outdoorhandbuch by Dagmar Wahlen and Rainer Lencer (Conrad Stein).


  • 1:50,000 maps for sections over Olympos (Dion-Livadi), from Meteora to Karava and from Pitimaliko to Delphi published by Greek National Tourism Organisation
  • 1:50,000 maps for section from Diakopto to Daras published by Greek National Tourism Organisation

Cyprus (539 km)

  • Boat from Crete
  • Pafos - Lanaka, 539 km


  • Local E4 brochure
Select some tracks
European long distance path E4
European long distance path E4 - part Spain
.Gran Recorrido 7 - Andalucía (Province of Cádiz), 163km
.GR 7 - Andalucía (Provincia de Málaga), 117km
.Gran Recorrido 7 - Andalucía - South Route (Provincia de Málaga), 43km
.Gran Recorrido 7 - Andalucía - South Route (Provincia de Granada), 446km
.Gran Recorrido 7 - Andalucía - North Route (Provincia de Málaga), 84km
.Gran Recorrido 7 - Andalucía - North Route (Provincia de Córdoba), 56km
.Gran Recorrido 7 - Andalucía - North Route (Província de Jaén), 274km
.Gran Recorrido 7 - Andalucía - North Route (Província de Granada), 31km
.Gran Recorrido 7 - Murcia, 175km
.Gran Recorrido 7 - Comunidad Valenciana, 616km
.European long distance path E4 - part Spain: Connection between GR7 and GR172, 0.5km
.GR 172 Bellprat-La Mussara, 206km
.GR 4 Puigcerdà-Montserrat, 166km
Chemin de randonnée Européen E4, partie française
.De la Manche aux Pyrénées 24, Sournia - Bourg-Madame, 129km
.De la Manche aux Pyrénées 23, Carcassonne - Sournia, 157km
.De la Manche aux Pyrénées 22, Portail de Nore - Carcassonne, 40km
.Des Vosges aux Pyrénées 08, Labastide - Portail de Nore, 25km
.Des Vosges aux Pyrénées 07, Col de Fontfroide - Labastide, 32km
.Des Vosges aux Pyrénées 06, Boussagues - Col de Fontfroide, 48km
.Des Vosges aux Pyrénées 05, Prat Peyrot - Boussagues, 116km
.Des Vosges aux Pyrénées 04, Signal du Ventalon - Prat Peyrot, 60km
.(no name), 33km
.Brahic - Villefort, 21km
.(no name), 94km
(no name), 15km
.(no name), 0.8km
.(no name), 0.8km
.(no name), 0.3km
.(no name), 0.7km
.(no name), 1.5km
.(no name), 1.8km
.(no name), 2.2km
.(no name)
.(no name), 4.6km
.(no name), 53km
.(no name), 58km
.(no name), 132km
.(no name), 124km
.(no name), 122km
.E4 France, frontière - La Vieille Faucille, 9.5km
.European long distance path E4 - part Switzerland, 412km
Europäischer Fernwanderweg E4 - Deutschland
.European Long distance path E 4 - part Germany (region Sonthofen), 44km
.European Long distance path E 4 - part Germany (segment austria), 3km
.European Long distance path E 4 - part Germany (region Oberammergau), 139km
.Europäischer Fernwanderweg E4 - Teil Deutschland (Region Tegernsee), 41km
.European Long distance path E 4 - part Germany (region Tegernsee, alternative route), 3.9km
.Europäischer Fernwanderweg E4 - Teil Deutschland (Region Wendelstein), 24km
.European Long distance path E 4 - part Germany (region Chiemgau), 28km
.European Long distance path E 4 - part Germany (region Chiemgau, alternative route nußdorf), 5.6km
.European Long distance path E 4 - part Germany (region Chiemgau, alternative route Kampenwandbahn), 3.9km
.European Long distance path E 4 - part Germany (region Chiemgau Alps), 70km
Europäischer Fernwanderweg E4, Österreich
.[E4/E5] Europäischer Fernwanderweg Rhein bis Grenze D, 61km
.Europäischer Fernwanderweg E4 (von Salzburg nach Gresten), 267km
.Europäischer Fernwanderweg E4 (von Gresten nach Wien: Main Route), 205km
.Europäischer Fernwanderweg E4 (Wien - Rattersdorf), 260km
.[E4] Europäischer Fernwanderweg [003], 191km
.[E4] Europäischer Fernwanderweg [004], 50km
.[E4] Europäischer Fernwanderweg [005], 53km
.Europäischer Fernwanderweg E4, Österreich, Rofan, 17km
.E4 (alpin) Fernwanderweg (Bereich Rofan), 41km
.E4 (alpin) Fernwanderweg (Bereich Kufstein/Kaisergebirge), 67km
.E4 (alpin) Fernwanderweg (Bereich Lofer/Steinberge), 52km
.Europäischer Fernwanderweg E4 alpin (Steinberge - Bad Goisern), 91km
.Europäischer Fernwanderweg E4 alpin (Bad Goisern/Eisenerz), 170km
.Europäischer Fernwanderweg E4 alpin (Eisenerz - Rax), 114km
.Europäischer Fernwanderweg E4 alpin (Rax -Mattersburg), 88km
.E4 európai hosszútávú turistaút (magyarországi szakasz), 1711km
European long distance path E4 - part Serbia
.E4: Horgoš – Ada, 67km
.E4: Ada – Zrenjanin, 129km
.E4: Zrenjanin – Padina, 63km
.E4: Padina – Krnjača (Beograd), 98km
.E4: (Mosna –) Derdap – Vratna, 92km
.E4: Vratna – Negotin – Krivelj, 165km
.E4: Krivelj – Gamzigrad (– Bogovina), 54km
.Кривељ - Сокобања, 74km
E4: Sokobanja – Jalovik izvor, 73km
.Сокобања - Кулин врх - Оштра Чука, 7.1km
.E4: Jalovik izvor – Gradina, 119km
.Европейски пешеходен маршрут Е4, България, 252km
European long distance path E4 - part Greece
.Ευρωπαϊκό μονοπάτι Ε4, 758km
.Ευρωπαϊκό μονοπάτι E4, Πελοπόννησος, 292km
.European Walking Route E4, Greece, Crete, 816km
European long distance path E4 - part Cyprus
.European Walking Route E4, Cyprus, Main Route, 553km
.European Walking Route E4, Cyprus, Alternative Route, 1.5km
.European Walking Route E4, Cyprus Alternative Route, 1.9km
E4 Európai hosszútávú vándorút - magyarországi szakasz
.K, OKT 01. (Írott-kő – Kőszeg – Sárvár), 71km
.K, OKT 02. (Sárvár – Sümeg), 74km
.K, OKT 03. (Sümeg – Keszthely), 45km
.K, OKT 04. (Keszthely – Tapolca), 29km
.K, OKT 05. (Tapolca – Badacsonytördemic), 17km
.K, OKT 06. (Badacsonytördemic – Nagyvázsony), 48km
.K, OKT 07. (Nagyvázsony – Városlőd), 25km
.K, OKT 08. (Városlőd – Zirc), 38km
.K, OKT 09. (Zirc – Bodajk), 59km
.K, OKT 10. (Bodajk – Szárliget), 56km
.K, OKT 11. (Szárliget, vá. – Mogyorósbánya – Dorog, vá.), 67km
.K, OKT 12. (Dorog, vá. – Klastrompuszta – Piliscsaba, vá.), 19km
.K, OKT 13. (Piliscsaba, vá. – Nagy-Szénás – Hűvösvölgy), 22km
.K, OKT 14. (Hűvösvölgy – Hármashatár-hegy – Rozália téglagyár), 14km
.K, OKT 15. (Rozália téglagyár – Pilisszentkereszt – Dobogókő), 23km
.K, OKT 16. (Dobogókő – Pilisszentlászló – Visegrád – Nagymaros, visegrádi rév), 25km
.K, OKT 17. (Nagymaros – Nógrád), 41km
.K, OKT 18. (Nógrád – Becske), 60km
.K, OKT 19. (Becske – Mátraverebély), 74km
.K, OKT 20. (Mátreverebély – Mátraháza), 25km
.K, OKT 21. (Mátraháza – Sirok), 26km
.K, OKT 22. (Sirok – Szarvaskő), 18km
.K, OKT 23. (Szarvaskő – Putnok), 62km
.K, OKT 24. (Putnok – Aggtelek – Bódvaszilas), 63km
.K, OKT 25. (Bódvaszilas – Boldogkőváralja), 68km
(no name), 3.3km
Eijsden-Margraten E4 Bloesemroute, 5.8km
Julius Kugy-Dreiländerweg E 4a, 23km
E4 France 06, 15km
E4 France 04, 69km
E4 France 03
E4 France, Col de Dieu-Grâce - Saint-Martin d'Ardèche, 76km
E4 France 05, 37km
E4 France 03, 13km
Europäischer Fernwanderweg E4, Österreich (Liezen/Eisenerz), 43km
E4 Mamados-Mali-Koumelas-Marlas-Mamados, 7.4km
Le tour d'Eymoutiers, 8.5km
GR 286 E4 Araindarri Hiru tenpluen ibilbidea: Brinkola- Arantzazu, 10km
Les Vans - Brahic, 4.5km
European long distance path E6 - part Greece, West, 628km


Map European Long Distance Trail E4

Map European Long Distance Trail E4

Map European Long Distance Trail E4


De Zwerver
  • Wandelgids Tourist route E4 in Bulgaria | Oilaripi
  • Verrassend goede wandelgids van een deel van de E4 in Bulgarije. Goede kaarten, hoogteprofielen, prima beschrijvingen en praktische informatie maken het een volwaardige wandelgids die je in eerste instantie van dit gebied niet zou verwachten. Guidebook along the main ridge of the great alpine route E4 in Bulgaria, also known as the fiv... Read more
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  • Wandelgids The high mountains of Crete - Kreta | Cicerone
  • Guidebook of walking routes in Crete's mountains, covering the Lefka Ori (White Mountains), Mount Ida (the Psiloritis range), the Lassithi mountains and E4 trail. Each of the 87 walks is graded, in a range between 2 and 28km with various longer options, covering a multitude of terrains from rugged mountain ridges to forested crags and beaches. Read more
  • The high mountains of Crete
  • Guidebook to walking and trekking the high mountains of Crete. The largest of the Greek Islands, Crete's mountains provide breathtaking walking and wilderness on this popular island. The routes in this guidebook are graded for difficulty and range from short, easy strolls to challenging, multi-day treks, providing options for all walkers. In... Read more
  • The high mountains of Crete
  • Guidebook to walking and trekking the high mountains of Crete. The largest of the Greek Islands, Crete's mountains provide breathtaking walking and wilderness on this popular island. The routes in this guidebook are graded for difficulty and range from short, easy strolls to challenging, multi-day treks, providing options for all walkers. In... Read more
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  • WF5421 Allgäu, Allgäuer Alpen Kompass
  • De Kompass wandelgids + kaart geeft een overzicht van alle wandelroutes in het gebied met nauwkeurige routeaanwijzingen en hoogteaanduidingen, De extra grote kaart, schaal 1:35 000, is ideaal om van te voren uw route uit te stippelen en om onderweg te gebruiken • naast de bekende bestemmingen, worden ook de minder bekende vermeld • openbaar... Read more
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  • WF5421 Allgäu, Allgäuer Alpen Kompass
  • De Kompass wandelgids + kaart geeft een overzicht van alle wandelroutes in het gebied met nauwkeurige routeaanwijzingen en hoogteaanduidingen, De extra grote kaart, schaal 1:35 000, is ideaal om van te voren uw route uit te stippelen en om onderweg te gebruiken • naast de bekende bestemmingen, worden ook de minder bekende vermeld • openbaar... Read more
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De Zwerver
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  • Griechenland: Trans Kreta E4
  • Kein Geheimtipp und dennoch etwas in Vergessenheit geraten ist das ber 500 km lange Teilst ck des europ ischen Fernwanderweges E4 auf Kreta. Bereits seit den 1970er-Jahren geh rt dieser Abschnitt zu einem der beliebtesten des l ngsten europ ischen Fernwanderweges und ist somit ein echter Trekkingklassiker.Wer gut markierte Pfade und verl... Read more
  • Griechenland: Trans Kreta E4
  • Kein Geheimtipp und dennoch etwas in Vergessenheit geraten ist das ber 500 km lange Teilst ck des europ ischen Fernwanderweges E4 auf Kreta. Bereits seit den 1970er-Jahren geh rt dieser Abschnitt zu einem der beliebtesten des l ngsten europ ischen Fernwanderweges und ist somit ein echter Trekkingklassiker.Wer gut markierte Pfade und verl... Read more
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart 6.2 Prespa - Vitsi - Voras | Anavasi
  • Uitstekende topografische kaarten van een deel van Griekenland: zonder meer hele goede kaarten voor wandeltochten in een onbekend stuk Griekenland! Ze zijn gedrukt op scheurvast en watervast papier op een schaal van 1:50.000 met een UTM grid voor GPS gebruikers. Op de meeste kaarten is geven de hoogtelijnen een interval van 20m. aan. Met... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Prespa - Vitsi - Voras Anavasi 6.2
  • Prespa - Vitsi – Voras area of northern Greece at 1:50,000 on a light, waterproof and tear-resistant, GPS compatible, contoured map from Anavasi, with recommendations for three hiking trails and notes on the E4 and E6 cross-European trails. The map is double-sided; coverage in the west starts from the Prespa Lake on the border with Albania and... Read more
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The Book Depository
United Kingdom
  • Fragokastelo - Plakias 2016
  • Uitstekende topografische kaarten van een deel van Griekenland: zonder meer hele goede kaarten voor wandeltochten in een onbekend stuk Griekenland! Ze zijn gedrukt op scheurvast en watervast papier op een schaal van 1:25.000 met een UTM grid voor GPS gebruikers. Op de meeste kaarten is geven de hoogtelijnen een interval van 20m. aan. Met... Read more
  • Also available from:
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
  • Stanfords, United Kingdom
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart 11.17 Frangokastelo - Plakias - Kreta | Anavasi
  • Uitstekende topografische kaarten van een deel van Griekenland: zonder meer hele goede kaarten voor wandeltochten in een onbekend stuk Griekenland! Ze zijn gedrukt op scheurvast en watervast papier op een schaal van 1:25.000 met een UTM grid voor GPS gebruikers. Op de meeste kaarten is geven de hoogtelijnen een interval van 20m. aan. Met... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Frangokastelo - Plakias Anavasi 11.17
  • The Frangokastelo – Plakias area on the southern coast of Crete at 1:25,000 in a series of contoured, GPS compatible hiking maps of Crete from Anavasi, printed waterproof and tear-resistant paper. Annotations provide useful hints for walkers. Coverage extends from Imbros Gorge in the west to Plakias in the east.Topography is shown by contour... Read more
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The Book Depository
United Kingdom
  • Exo Mani 2018
  • Uitstekende wandelkaart op scheur- en watervast papier van het wandelgebied rond Kardamyli maar ook nog met Agios Nikolaos. De wandelpaden staan er op ingetekend, zo ook alle bezienswaardigheden als klooster, kastelen en meerdere opgravingen. Mani is the middle and southernmost peninsula of the Peloponnese and is split between Laconia and... Read more
  • Also available from:
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
  • Stanfords, United Kingdom
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart 8.10 Exo Mani | Anavasi
  • Uitstekende wandelkaart op scheur- en watervast papier van het wandelgebied rond Kardamyli maar ook nog met Agios Nikolaos. De wandelpaden staan er op ingetekend, zo ook alle bezienswaardigheden als klooster, kastelen en meerdere opgravingen. Mani is the middle and southernmost peninsula of the Peloponnese and is split between Laconia and... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Exo Mani - Verga - Kardamyli - Trachila Anavasi 8.10
  • The northern part of the western coast of the Mani Peninsula, the “middle finger” of the Peloponnese, on a light, waterproof and tear-resistant, double-sided, contoured and GPS-compatible map at 1:20,000 from Anavasi highlighting 24 hiking trails and various facilities and places of interest. Coverage, with a good overlap between the sides,... Read more
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The Book Depository
United Kingdom
  • Samaria - Sougia
  • Uitstekende topografische kaarten van een deel van Griekenland: zonder meer hele goede kaarten voor wandeltochten in een onbekend stuk Griekenland! Ze zijn gedrukt op scheurvast en watervast papier op een schaal van 1:25.000 met een UTM grid voor GPS gebruikers. Op de meeste kaarten is geven de hoogtelijnen een interval van 20m. aan. Met... Read more
  • Also available from:
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
  • Stanfords, United Kingdom
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart 11.13 Samaria - Soughia - Kreta | Anavasi
  • Uitstekende topografische kaarten van een deel van Griekenland: zonder meer hele goede kaarten voor wandeltochten in een onbekend stuk Griekenland! Ze zijn gedrukt op scheurvast en watervast papier op een schaal van 1:25.000 met een UTM grid voor GPS gebruikers. Op de meeste kaarten is geven de hoogtelijnen een interval van 20m. aan. Met... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Samaria - Sougia - Paliochora Anavasi 11.13
  • Samaria – Sougia area of the White Mountains on Crete on a waterproof and tear-resistant, GPS compatible and contoured hiking map at 1:25,000 from Anavasi, extending from the famous Gorge of Samaria westwards to Azogyres and Plemeniana, and north past Omalos and the peaks of Troili and Kaimeni Kafala.Topography is shown by contour lines at 20m... Read more
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The Book Depository
United Kingdom
  • Crete West
  • Western Crete on a double-sided, contoured and GPS compatible map at 1:100,000 from Harms Verlag, with highlighting for numerous places of interest and 20 recommended hiking trails, plus street plans of central Heraklion, Rethymnon and Chania and a plan of the archaeological site at Knossos. All place names are in both Greek and Latin alphabet.... Read more
  • Also available from:
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart Kreta west | Harms IC Verlag
  • Western Crete on a double-sided, contoured and GPS compatible map at 1:100,000 from Harms Verlag, with highlighting for numerous places of interest and 20 recommended hiking trails, plus street plans of central Heraklion, Rethymnon and Chania and a plan of the archaeological site at Knossos. All place names are in both Greek and Latin alphabet.... Read more
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelgids The Cretan Way E4 | Anavasi
  • The Cretan Way is a 500km walking route which takes you from east to west across the varied and spectacular landscapes of Crete. It is the ideal way to discover the rural, mountainous and costal regions of this incredible island. This guide is based on a 28-day walk.This guide includes practical information, maps at a scale of 1:25.000 of... Read more
  • Also available from:
  • Stanfords, United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
  • The Cretan Way - A 28 Day Walk
  • The Cretan Way is a 500km walking route which takes you from east to west across the varied and spectacular landscapes of Crete. It is the ideal way to discover the rural, mountainous and costal regions of this incredible island. This guide is based on a 28-day walk.This guide includes practical information, maps at a scale of 1:25.000 of... Read more
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart 6.11 Mt. Olympus | Anavasi
  • Mt Olympus in a series of waterproof and tear-resistant hiking maps at scales varying from 1:50,000 to 1:10,000, with a UTM grid for GPS users. Contour interval varies depending on the scale, on most maps it is 20m. Relief shading, spot heights, springs, seasonal streams and, in most titles, landscape/land-use variations, e.g. forests,... Read more
  • Also available from:
  • Stanfords, United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
  • Mt Olympus Anavasi 6.11
  • Mt Olympus in a series of waterproof and tear-resistant hiking maps at scales varying from 1:50,000 to 1:10,000, with a UTM grid for GPS users. Contour interval varies depending on the scale, on most maps it is 20m. Relief shading, spot heights, springs, seasonal streams and, in most titles, landscape/land-use variations, e.g. forests,... Read more
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart Strandzha - Bulgarije | Domino
  • Strandzha Mountains in the south-eastern corner of Bulgaria between Burgas to the Turkish border on a contoured and GPS compatible map from Domino showing local hiking trails and highlighting various interesting sites, with three more detailed enlargements at 1:25,000. Most place names are in both Latin and Cyrillic alphabet; map legend... Read more
  • Also available from:
  • Stanfords, United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
  • Strandzha Mountains: Burgas to the Turkish Border Domino Map
  • Strandzha Mountains in the south-eastern corner of Bulgaria between Burgas to the Turkish border on a contoured and GPS compatible map from Domino showing local hiking trails and highlighting various interesting sites, with three more detailed enlargements at 1:25,000. Most place names are in both Latin and Cyrillic alphabet; map legend... Read more
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart 4 Stara Planina gebergte | Domino
  • Stara Planina Western: Berkovita to Zlatitsa map at 1:50,000 from Bulgarian publishers Domino, contoured and GPS compatible, with hiking trails, accommodation options including a list of local mountain refuges, etc. The map is double-sided and covers the mountains from Varshets (directly north of Sofia) to just beyond Etrepole.Maps in the... Read more
  • Also available from:
  • Stanfords, United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
  • Stara Planina Western: Berkovita to Zlatitsa Domino Map
  • Stara Planina Western: Berkovita to Zlatitsa map at 1:50,000 from Bulgarian publishers Domino, contoured and GPS compatible, with hiking trails, accommodation options including a list of local mountain refuges, etc. The map is double-sided and covers the mountains from Varshets (directly north of Sofia) to just beyond Etrepole.Maps in the... Read more
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart Sredna Gora - Bulgarije | Domino
  • Pirin Mountains at 1:50,000 on a large, double-sided, contoured map with GPS waypoints for shelters and chalets, peaks, etc. and highlighting hiking routes. Topography is shown by contours at 40m intervals with additional relief shading and graphics and colouring for sandstone stacks, single rocks over 5m high, marshlands and different types of... Read more
De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart 2.1 Mt. Parnassos | Anavasi
  • Parnassos - Kirfis area in a series of waterproof and tear-resistant hiking maps at scales varying from 1:50,000 to 1:10,000, with a UTM grid for GPS users. Contour interval varies depending on the scale, on most maps it is 20m. Relief shading, spot heights, springs, seasonal streams and, in most titles, landscape/land-use variations, e.g.... Read more
De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart 2.4 Nafpaktos - Panaitoliko - Karpenisi | Anavasi
  • Prespa - Vitsi – Voras area of northern Greece at 1:50,000 on a light, waterproof and tear-resistant, GPS compatible, contoured map from Anavasi, with recommendations for three hiking trails and notes on the E4 and E6 cross-European trails. The map is double-sided; coverage in the west starts from the Prespa Lake on the border with Albania and... Read more
De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart 5 Rila gebergte | Domino
  • Rila Mountains at 1:50,000 on a large, double-sided, contoured map with GPS waypoints for shelters and chalets, peaks, etc. and highlighting hiking routes. Topography is shown by contours at 50m intervals with additional relief shading and graphics and colouring for scree, single rocks over 5m high, marshlands and pine scrub and forests. An... Read more
  • Also available from:
  • Stanfords, United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
  • Rila Mountains Domino
  • Rila Mountains at 1:50,000 on a large, double-sided, contoured map with GPS waypoints for shelters and chalets, peaks, etc. and highlighting hiking routes. Topography is shown by contours at 50m intervals with additional relief shading and graphics and colouring for scree, single rocks over 5m high, marshlands and pine scrub and forests. An... Read more
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De Zwerver
  • Also available from:
  • Stanfords, United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
  • Western Crete Terrain Editions 448
  • Western Crete at 1:100,000 on an indexed, GPS compatible road map from Terrain Editions, printed on light, waterproof and tear-resistant plastic paper, with a street plan of central Chania.This title is part of a series which covers Crete in three sheets. The maps have contours at 100m intervals, enhanced by relief shading with spot heights and... Read more
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart 1 Stara Planina gebergte | Domino
  • Stara Planina Central: Zlatitsa to Kalofer map at 1:50,000 from Bulgarian publishers Domino, contoured and GPS compatible, with hiking trails, accommodation options including a list of local mountain refuges, etc. The map is double-sided and covers the mountains from just west of Ribaritsa and Zlatitsa eastwards beyond Kalofer to the peak of... Read more
  • Also available from:
  • Stanfords, United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
  • Stara Planina Central: Zlatitsa to Kalofer Domino Map
  • Stara Planina Central: Zlatitsa to Kalofer map at 1:50,000 from Bulgarian publishers Domino, contoured and GPS compatible, with hiking trails, accommodation options including a list of local mountain refuges, etc. The map is double-sided and covers the mountains from just west of Ribaritsa and Zlatitsa eastwards beyond Kalofer to the peak of... Read more
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