GR653D - Voie d’Arles


  1. Name GR653D - Voie d’Arles (GR653D)
  2. Länge von Wanderweg 430 km, 267 Meilen
  3. Länge in Tagen 17 Tage
  4. Anfang von Wanderweg Col de Montgenevre
  5. Ende von Wanderweg Arles
  6. Traildino Schwierigkeit MW, Mittelschwere Wanderung mit Rucksack
  7. Schwierigkeitsgrad Berg- und Alpinwanderung T1, Wandern

GR653D - Voie d’Arles

Via Domitia or GR653 - Voie d’Arles, Col de Montgenevre - Arles, 430 km, 17 days

The Romans constructed this way to connect - what is now - Italy and Spain through France. The itinerary is still known, and at places, Roman constructions are still in place.

The trail is revived as a possible route to Santiago de Compostela. Also, the trail - more or less following the ancient road - is described in a topoguide as GR 653D, Voie d’Arles.

The first part of the trail traverses the Hautes-Alpes. The walk has an alpine character. Between Gap and Apt, it follows the River Durance. Leaving Apt, it is the Provence you are walking through. Finally, in Arles, the trail ends.

Pilgrims then continue on the Via Tolosana, one of the main Ways of St. James in France, heading for the Pyrenees and Spain.

Visit Traildino's overview page for the Way of Saint James / Camino de Santiago.

Select some tracks
Via Domitia
.Via Domitia, Montgenèvre - Eygalières, 390km
.Via Domitia, Eygalières - Fontvieille, 38km
.Via Domitia - Via Aurelia, Fontvieille - Arles, 8.6km
.Via Domitia (variante), 7.4km
Via Domitia
.Via Domitia (variante), 6.2km


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  • GR653D Chemins de St-Jacques: Montgenèvre - Arles FFRP Topo-guide No. 6531
  • Chemins de St-Jacques: Montgenèvre - Arles, FFRP topoguide Ref. no. 6531, covering a 459km route along the GR653D from Montgenèvre in the French Alps on the Italian border, across Gap, Sisteron, Apt and Cavaillon, to Arles. Current edition of this title was published in June 2014.ABOUT THE FFRP (Fédération française de la randonnée pédestre)... Read more
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